الثلاثاء، 18 سبتمبر 2018

 بعض ما كتبته الصحف الاسترالية حول ازمة الفراولة الملوثة هناك مؤامرة وليست الاولى 
فتشوا عن اعداء الحياه ... اسرائيل هى سبب كل كارثة وحليفتها امريكا المجرمة 
ومازال حل اللغز غامضا 

Police believe a disgruntled employee or similar is most likely to be responsible and copycats may have mental issues.
However, there are many other theories about the reasons behind the contamination scare doing the rounds on social media.
Some believe some of the needles were placed in the fruit at the supermarket by the victims who were just trying to get attention.
Others believe a foreign nation or company competing with Australian farmers to be behind it as an act of corporate espionage.
The Australian Government was also accused of being behind it as part of an elaborate plot to kill off Australian farming.
It would then sell the land to overseas companies and make the population dependent on the government for imported food. 
Terrorism is another popular explanation, with the Queensland Strawberry Growers Association even calling it 'commercial terrorism'.
This theory got a boost when a psychologist on Tuesday said the culprit was likely attempting to instill fear in customers.
Backpackers, who make up much of the picking workforce, are also under suspicion online by those who believe it to be revenge for them not getting long-term visas. 

Not the first time our food industry has been sabotaged, usually by other countries whom we have banned some product due to disease. NZ did it with fire blight in apples, with a 'professor' smuggling in diseased foliage to intentionally contaminate our fruit growers with the same disease that caused their apples to be banned from import into Australia. He then claimed we had the disease anyway, after he 'found it' in one of our parks. I'm waiting for the headlines claiming "Australia imports non contaminated fruit from 'pick-a-country' who offered to save consumers from the devastating shortages and at bargain prices" and I would look there first for the culpr

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